Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My List of Excuses

As a rule, I generally try to get most of my Christmas shopping done before the end of November. Last year, it was a breeze. But this year, I have found my goal a bit more difficult to achieve. I think that a big part of it is the fact that my girls are getting older so it is harder to sneak around. Jenna is in preschool on 2 days a week for 3 hours. Exercising takes up at least an hour to an hour and a half of that "free time". Plus we are always 15 minutes late to preschool. Oh, and I am usually on time to pick her up (a miracle, I know). And of course, there are always random bills and errands to take care of. And Reagan is looking in my closet these days to see what has been recently placed in a hard to reach shelf. She is such a little detective. She listens to every conversation. She sneaks around and will even pretend to be sleeping, just so she can hear what is being shared in the "adult" conversation. It has definitely gotten harder to get the shopping done this year. I do realize that I am making excuses for myself. But in my defense, they are pretty good excuses. And some of the toys are already sold out everywhere. I know that you know what I am talking about. A few years back, when Reagan was a baby, this guy:

was all the rage. Do you remember the news stories about people fighting over this toy? And it being sold out everywhere? I do. And boy was I glad that Tickle Me Elmo was not on my daughter's list of must have's for Christmas. But this year, Elmo is not the hot toy, but rather these:

These hamsters are sold out everywhere! And don't get me started on the accessories--the object of my desire.

There are a few other big items on most kids' wish lists this year...but if I post them, a certain little spy will get some more evidence to hold against Mommy, Daddy, ....and Santa. So that is the end of my rant. I hope that ya'll's shopping goes a bit smoother than mine this year.


hoLLy said...

i have never heard of that hamster thing(is it a hamster?)! good luck finding the accesories:) i always do my shopping kinda last minute because my kids can't make up their mind! but this year they only have a couple of wishes, a big dollhouse and moxie girls. oh and a huge box of pink/girly legos. the rest santa gets to choose:) and the puppy was an early gift-that was their big wish this year. and their parents caved. foolish foolish parents:)

fourballerinas said...

Sorry you're having no luck. I saw those hamster things on the news the other day. Luckily, I'm doing very well this year- a lot on line because shopping with a 2 month old, 2 year old, and a 4 1/2 year old is NOT fun. My only problem is that when the "package Man" comes to the door, they come running like hungry wolves and I have to fight them off. Alyssa's birthday is right around the corner too so I'm having to find ideas for her for birthday and christmas- luckily, she's not at the age where she really gives a care.