Sunday, September 23, 2007

I wasn't actually planning on participating!

Last Sunday, Ian received a calling in our new ward---Ward Missionary. I was so pumped that they gave him a calling and not me. And not too mention such an easy one. Unfortunately, I was given one today. I have been called as the Nursery Coordinator. So basically, I am in charge of overseeing the , what is it, 3 or 4 nurseries in our ward. I have to make sure snacks are provided, all the teachers and subs are there, and make sure that music time is scheduled. Exciting isn't it?! So I have mixed feelings about it. I loved hanging out in Nursery when we were in the Shoal Creek Ward in Austin. I would have killed to have a Nursery calling in that ward. It was the model Nursery. I kid you not! Presently, I am not too fond of my new ward. And now, I actually have to participate in some way. That is, other than sitting there and listening. I should have known better, moving into a ward that I personally knew the Primary President for several years. Let this be a lesson to you all.


brooke said...

No way! Funny when friends in certain callings snatch you up right away. I am dealing with my new nursery calling too, trying to do it with a willing heart and smile on my face. I have a theory...older retired men and women should run/teach the nursery (young moms should be exempt.)You'll be great though!

Anayansi said...

Your right about the people who should and shouldn't do Nursery callings. I actually like Nursery. I just wanted to get to know the ward first. I don't think, or at least hope, that I will be in there too much though.
I am moarning our new callings (yours and mine, Brooke).

Anonymous said...

Anayansi, I was deleting my email and I came across this link you sent me a while back. I miss you! Yesterday I did my visits with my new companion (Sister Lee...old Bishop Lee's daughter-in-law). It was good but I do miss our monthly visits. Anyway, I am glad to read you are doing good. Jenna looks so grown up. Good luck.


hoLLy said...

they stuck me in the nursery as soon as we moved to austin and it sucked(mainly because i didn't get to know anyone). i never felt like i was part of that ward. since highschool, i have spent like 3 or 4 years in the nursery! and i agree with brooke too-young moms shouldn't be asked to do nursery or sunbeams! we already get enough of that at home. SORRY! but try to enjoy it and just go to every enrichment group you can and you'll get to know people that way too. hey, and you'll at least know the nursery kids moms right? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Neri! I miss you too. You were my favorite visiting teaching companion. Let me know how you all are doing.