Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Flu!!!!!

This year, I decided to get the girls some flu shots (since Reagan is in kinder and all). While we were getting them done, I noticed parents had been walking out of the room with bandaids. So I decided to get one for myself. I can't remember the last time I got one. After getting 2 sets of shots for each daughter and 1 for myself, I felt that we were set for the season.

Of course I was wrong! After spending 2 weeks with Heidi (yes I am blaming you...but in a good way :), she came down with the flu during the 2nd week. It turns out that even though she works with college kids, she didn't get a flu shot (too much going on. Very understandable.)

The girls love their aunts so much that they didn't want to leave their sides. So of course we are here in Corpus with both girls suffering from the flu. I won't go in to the disgusting details but I would hate to see what the flu would have been like if they didn't receive their shots (it is a "mild case of the flu").

The tricky part now is to figure out when I should drive back to Dallas. I need to get back before I get it (I've been sharing everything with Jenna). But I don't want the trip to be horrible for the girls. Just laying around the house is horrible for them. Not to mention that I am constantly taking their temperatures so I can attempt to keep them down. We won't even talk about the constant crying and the sleeping for only 2 hours at a time. Oh and they both have ear infections. Jenna's previous one has just gotten worse. (Sounds like Aubrey's, huh Holly.)

And I thought the horrible colds we all got less than a month ago were pretty. I was so wrong!


hoLLy said...

i'm so sorry to hear they are so sick. that is no fun. aubrey's ears are doing much better now. augmentin did the trick. that was some nasty virus she got the end of november. since then, we've had all kinds of sicknesses(ella had almost a 105 fever two weeks ago, both cali and ella had pink eye, aubrey's ear infections, i was sick for 2 weeks with sore throat, the list could go on forever), but right now, we are all finally healthy(knock on wood). we'll see how long that lasts....i hate kindergarten! aubrey brings it all home man. and then ella sucks her finger still which makes her get everything too. aye-these kids!

Anayansi said...

you said it.

Liz said...

I'm so sorry too that they are sick. I pray you don't get it!!!!

Unknown said...


I was just trying to help you get your money's worth with the flu shots :) SORRY!

Anayansi said...

funny heidi!

yup, i got it too. but thankfully, reagan has recovered.